It's official. I'm already starting to fear my birthday..... I've never really dreaded or been ashamed of birthdays so this is something new for me. In my defense though, 27 has always been my 'scary' age. Screw 40. By then you have already been 30, 35 and 39! 40 is nothing. 27 though.... 27 is the top of the hill. From there it's all just old age. 27 means you are officially in your "late twenties". You should have your shit together. You should be getting things all figured out. 27 is where it's at..... ohhh 27!!!
Maybe I'm feeling all this anxiety because I don't feel like I have everything together... I'm just.... not there yet. (in my own mind)
So I want to be fully prepared for my 27th birthday. By this, I mean I want to get my freak out in ahead of time, figure out my bucket list of sorts, and then thank God that I still have 3 years to do them before I turn 30. So here it goes... 30 things before 30
3. Maintain my ideal weight
6. Learn to play the Harmonica
7. Speak a second language fluently
8. NYE somewhere fantastic
10. Paint regularly
15. Europe. Somewhere.
16. S. America, more.
18. Visit Jon
21. Figure out the Stock Market
22. Buy some Stock
30. Lasik?